Saturday, April 18, 2020

Use a Collegeboard to Write Great Essays

Use a Collegeboard to Write Great EssaysCollegeboard essay samples are the latest in essay writing software that allows college students to write their essays fast and easily, with more accuracy. However, college boards do not only help students write great essays - they are also a great way to show off your writing skills by helping others see your true writing ability.Writing for tests is one of the most difficult things that a student can encounter. Teachers, classmates, and your own self-doubt contribute to making the challenge of writing an essay. Writing collegeboards are essay samples that are designed to help you create a well-researched essay that will get your instructor's excited about you.College boards, which are used by millions of students across the country, are used to help students create a better essay. College boards can help you write a convincing essay that will go into the essay writing book of the year. You can write your essay in less than an hour - just choo se from hundreds of college board essay samples to make your essay appear professional.The best thing about college boards is that they give you the opportunity to use great practice and revision material. This enables you to be sure that your essay is worth using on the test. Just pick one sample to follow, and then fill in the blanks. Once you've filled in the blanks, the essay will be completed and ready to send in for review.College boards are a great way to practice your essay writing skills. They can help you write powerful essays that will stand out and gain your professors' attention. With a good college board, you'll be able to craft a well-written essay in less than an hour. In addition, you'll be able to increase your writing proficiency and help others see the skill that you possess as well.An essay is an important part of your education, and an essay is the first step to passing your school's entrance exam. Your essay needs to be well-written and persuasive. By taking a dvantage of a quality essay board, you can sharpen your writing skills and gain a leg up on your fellow students.College board samples can help you to compose a well-researched essay that will go into the essay writing book of the year. You can fill in the blanks with these college boards. With thousands of college board examples, you'll be able to choose the best possible ones to give you the best chance of success.Essay samples are great because they give you practice in writing that will help you become a better writer in your writing. College boards can give you the chance to fill in the blanks in a more effective manner than anything else you could do.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Do Viruses Help Essays - , Term Papers, Research Papers

Do Viruses Help? HOW ABOUT VIRUSES? Just like bacteria viruses are one of the microbes that are winning the match against the humans. Viruses were the toughest one to tackle for the scientist. The shape, contents and their protective shields were the most challenging part of the fight. There are many ways one can treat cancer, but for AIDS doctors prescribe a cocktail of drugs in which some are enzyme inhibitors, protein inhibitors and while some are RNA inhibitors. This is not it in the cocktail there is more to the list. As the technology increases and the knowledge of our scientist about the DNA, RNA, Viruses, Bacteria, and other interesting things we are a step closer to the destruction of the virus. The hardest part of the virus is that it mutates a lot. Just like bacteria viruses do get resistant to drugs we take against them. For example if one catches cold or flu the doctors prescribe Amoxicycilin or something similar to it. If the patient doesnt finish the dosage there is a likelihood for the cold virus to get resistant to Amoxicycilin resulting a second drug intake. Pharmaceutical industries are trying to take a new approach to make antiviral drugs. One recently developed shows remarkable effects on the herpes virus. The recent antiviral drug indirectly attacks the virus making it hard for the virus to develop resistance to. Until today what the antiviral drugs did was they interfered with the production of the essential protein by the viruses. Viruses are also denoted as parasites, meaning that they infect a host as its life support. To fight the war against the viruses University of Pennsylvania Medical Center researches took the herpes simplex virus for experimental purpose, they found out that by inhibiting certain set of cellular enzymes they can successfully stop all the viral activity which causes the host to become sick. These enzymes are called cyclin-dependent kinases, or cdks. This enzyme along with other enzymes drive and coordinate cell division. This enzyme is also used by other viruses for replication purposes thus what Penn. team did was they too the cdks inhibitor and infected the virus with it, the result that came out was that the cells didnt replicate and the host cells were healthy. According to the statistics Herpes Simplex Virus 1 and Herpes Simplex Virus 2 strains have infected 80% and 20% respectively, the remarkable thing is that these cdks inhibitors work best on these two strains of HSV. Along with these two strains of HSV there is a third strain called Human CytoMegloVirus or HCMV which infects also 80% of the people, the cdks inhibitors shut this virus down for good. Tests are going to be conducted on the HIV, adenovirus, papovavirus, and parvovirus with the cdks inhibitors for these viruses work almost the same as HSV. If this drug works there might be a possibility for the people who have one of these viruses to be cured with one pill or with a cocktail in which one more pill is added to it. But the fight against viruses is not easy to win for they are just more complicated than what we think it is. I learned that human race has still one more chance to survive for few more years. Before I read this article I thought that just like dinosaurs were extinct we are going to be too. But the only difference will be that they didnt know their reason of what caused the wiping of their race but we will Viruses.